3) How to Successfully Complete a Subdivision Survey


How to Successfully Complete a Subdivision Survey

A subdivision survey is a necessary component of the subdivision process. It involves surveying and mapping land in order to divide it into smaller pieces. Subdivision surveys are an important part of any development project and must be completed correctly in order to ensure that all of the legal requirements are met.

Step 1: Understand Your Responsibilities

Before beginning the survey, it is important to understand the scope of your responsibilities. This includes understanding the area that needs to be surveyed, the legal regulations that must be complied with, and the timeline for completing the survey. You should also familiarize yourself with the different types of surveys that can be used, such as boundary surveys, topographical surveys, and ALTA surveys.

Step 2: Obtain the Necessary Documentation

It is important to obtain the necessary documents before beginning the survey. These documents include information such as deed restrictions, zoning requirements, and any other pertinent information. It is also important to obtain copies of any existing surveys that may be available.

Step 3: Establish Boundaries and Markers

The next step is to establish the boundaries of the surveyed area and to place markers at each corner. This will help to ensure that all of the boundaries are properly set and that the survey is accurately conducted.

Step 4: Gather Data

Once the boundaries have been established, it is time to begin gathering data. This includes taking measurements, collecting elevation data, and locating features such as roads, buildings, and other structures. It is important to be thorough when gathering data, as even a small discrepancy can lead to an inaccurate survey.

Step 5: Analyze the Data

The data that has been collected must then be analyzed in order to ensure that all of the legal requirements are met. This includes making sure that the boundaries are set correctly, that the measurements are accurate, and that any other necessary information is included.

Step 6: Prepare the Report

Once the data has been analyzed, it is time to prepare the report. The report should include all of the pertinent information regarding the survey, such as the boundaries, measurements, and other features. It should also include any recommendations or conclusions that were reached during the analysis.

Step 7: Submit the Report

Once the report has been prepared, it is time to submit it to the appropriate authorities. Depending on the jurisdiction, this may include submitting the report to the local government, the state government, or even the federal government.


A subdivision survey is an important part of the subdivision process. It is a detailed and complex process that requires thorough understanding of the regulations and accurate data collection. Following the above steps can help to ensure that the survey is completed correctly and that all of the legal requirements are met.

2) The Benefits of Conducting Subdivision Surveys


The Benefits of Conducting Subdivision Surveys

Subdivision surveys are a critical part of the development process for any subdivision, and their importance should not be overlooked. Subdivision surveys provide important information about land boundaries, easements, and other features of the land that need to be taken into consideration in the planning and development of a subdivision. This information can help to ensure that a subdivision is developed in a safe and efficient manner, and can help to avoid costly errors and delays in the development process.

Accuracy and Efficiency

Subdivision surveys provide accurate information about the boundaries of the land being subdivided. This information can be used to help ensure that the development processes are conducted in an efficient manner, and can help to avoid costly delays and mistakes. Subdivision surveys can also provide vital information about the presence of easements, rights-of-way, and other features that may affect the development of the subdivision. This information can help to ensure that the subdivision is developed in compliance with local laws and regulations, and can help to avoid costly mistakes and delays.

Environmental Protection

Subdivision surveys can also help to protect the environment by providing information about the presence of any natural features that should be taken into account in the development of the subdivision. This information can help to ensure that any natural features are not disturbed or destroyed during the development process, and can help to protect the environment and ensure that the land is developed in an environmentally responsible manner.

Cost Savings

Conducting a subdivision survey can also help to save money in the long run. By providing accurate information about the boundaries of the land and the presence of any easements, rights-of-way, or other features, subdivision surveys can help to avoid costly mistakes and delays in the development process. This can help to reduce the overall cost of the development process, and can help to ensure that the project is completed in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Peace of Mind

Perhaps the most important benefit of conducting a subdivision survey is the peace of mind it can provide. By providing accurate information about the boundaries of the land and the presence of any easements, rights-of-way, or other features, subdivision surveys can help to ensure that the development process is conducted in a safe and efficient manner. This can help to provide peace of mind to those involved in the development process, as well as to those who will eventually live in the subdivision.

In conclusion, subdivision surveys are an important part of the development process for any subdivision, and their importance should not be overlooked. Subdivision surveys provide important information about land boundaries, easements, and other features of the land that need to be taken into consideration in the planning and development of a subdivision. This information can help to ensure that a subdivision is developed in a safe and efficient manner, and can help to avoid costly errors and delays in the development process. Subdivision surveys can also help to protect the environment, save money in the long run, and provide peace of mind.

1) Everything You Need to Know About Subdivision Surveys


Everything You Need to Know About Subdivision Surveys

Subdivision surveys are a crucial part of the process of developing a piece of land for residential, commercial, or industrial use. A surveyor will assess the land for any potential issues that could impede the development process and create a map of the area to be used in the planning and building process. In this article, we’ll discuss the basics of a subdivision survey, the different types of surveys available, and the importance of having an experienced surveyor.

What is a Subdivision Survey?

A subdivision survey is the process of assessing a piece of land to determine its suitability for development. A surveyor will examine the property to determine its boundaries, identify any potential issues that could impede the development process, and create a map of the area. The map will be used to determine the best locations for roads, buildings, and other structures. The survey also includes measurements of the property, such as the distance between boundaries and the elevation of the land.

Types of Subdivision Surveys

There are several different types of subdivision surveys, depending on the size and complexity of the land being developed. The most common types are:

  • Boundary Surveys: These surveys identify the boundaries of the property and check for any discrepancies. Boundary surveys are often used to resolve disputes between neighbors.
  • Topographic Surveys: These surveys measure the elevation of the land, as well as any natural features, such as streams, hills, and valleys. Topographic surveys are often used to determine the best locations for roads and buildings.
  • Utility Surveys: These surveys identify any underground utilities, such as water and sewer lines, and measure the depth and location of these utilities.
  • Site Plans: These surveys create a detailed map of the land and identify the best locations for roads, buildings, and other structures.

Importance of an Experienced Surveyor

Having an experienced surveyor is essential for a successful subdivision survey. An experienced surveyor will be able to identify any potential issues that could impede the development process, such as wetlands or underground utilities. They will also be able to create an accurate and detailed map of the area, which is essential for the planning and building process.


Subdivision surveys are a critical part of the development process. They identify the boundaries of the property, measure the elevation of the land, and create a detailed map of the area. There are several different types of surveys available, depending on the size and complexity of the project. It’s essential to have an experienced surveyor who can identify any potential issues and create a detailed map of the area.